The Mission
Goal: For the people of your congregation to know their role in the mission of God.
By the end of the six sessions you will be able to answer the following questions:
Who are we now?
What do we treasure?
Where is God leading us?
The Mission Exploration is supported by the Appreciative Inquiry strategy and organized using a SOAR chart. SOAR stands for Strengths, Opportunities, Aspirations, and Results.
Outline of 7 Sessions
Session 1: Initial Conversation
Introduction to Appreciative Inquiry and the Mission Exploration Process.
Homework: Preparing to interview your congregation. How many interviewers are needed? Recruit and ask them to come to Session 2.
Session 2:
Practice: One on One interviews and Dot Voting.
Session 3:
Review Dot Voting findings and use them to begin to fill in a SOAR chart.
Learn how to do Neighborhood Demographics.
Homework: Do Neighborhood Demographics Study.
Session 4:
Review Demographics data – what learned?
Learn how to do a Neighborhood Relational Map.
Homework: Create a Neighborhood Relationship Map with the congregation.
Session 5:
Use demographic data and what you learn from the Neighborhood Relational Map to fill in the SOAR.
Learn about Possibility Proposals and create one that uses a Strength of your congregation to pursue an Opportunity that aligns with at least one of your congregation's Aspirations.
Homework: Create three Possibility Proposals.
Session 6
Discuss and decide which proposal(s) to present to the congregation.
Name the influencers in your congregation. Consider how each of them might view your proposal. Who will support it? Who will be neutral? and Who will raise concerns that you need to consider?
Homework: Meet with the influencers ahead of when you present to the congregation. Then, share the SOAR chart with your congregation. Present your Possibility Proposal and share how it aligns with the SOAR.
Session 7
Learn how to recruit a team to bring your proposal to life. Discover how to design and evaluate an innovation. The evaluation of your innovation fills in the R - result side of you SOAR. Discuss how to choose next steps.
Cost: 7 Sessions facilitated online with Pastor Marj: $1500.