What's in a name? Plenty.
“Rethink, Retool, Renew” was the first name we came up with. I’d pulled together a small group of clergy interested in helping congregations. We outlined ideas for a renewal process, and came up with that name. We were pretty pleased with ourselves.
Our first step was to talk up our new process at the monthly clergy conference gatherings. We’d hoped for affirmation and excitement. The reaction we got instead revealed concerns, not only with the name we picked but, with the approach to redevelopment work it suggested. A couple of comments from that meeting have stuck with me through the years.
All these “re” words (rethink, retool, renew, refresh, redevelop) make it sound like we haven’t been doing anything right, we have to redo it all.
The “re” words make it sound like we’re going to tear it all down and rebuild the same thing. It’s nothing new – just redone.
That wasn't what we meant at all. We wanted to help congregations come alive again -- to be more vital! But the "re" words we used, didn't say that.
Then Pastor Reggie Hansome said: It’s got to smell like Jesus! And Pastor George McLeary suggested: How about something like “Living the Resurrection.
The room got quiet. Heads nodded; smiles formed. Yes – resurrection was the one “re” word that didn’t sound like we were doing everything wrong, and didn’t sound like we were going to redo the same thing. It sounded like new life and at the same time, admitted the cost of new life is death.
Pastor Rustin Comer drew up our logo – and we were on our way.
Easter, the day and the season, are reminders that out of death comes new life. Not the same thing all over again, but something that builds on the best of what was before.
That’s what Living the Resurrection is all about.
Tiptoeing Toward Change

Change can be like tip-toeing, or it can mean suddenly taking a leap!
Click the first button to read the March blog.
Click the second button to go to the free resources that tiptoe a bit further: Leading Change, and Inspiring Change.
Then -- take a leap and put theory into practice -- participate in a "Inspiring Constructive Change" workshop (read on to find out more)
Free Workshop with our partners California Lutheran Homes!

If you want to learn how to motivate people to choose a death so there can be a resurrection, join us for this very practical workshop.
In-Person opportunities April 20th in Santa Ana CA, and April 27 in Glendale CA.
Online opportunities May 16 and May 23, choose between morning and afternoon sessions (pacific time).
Click the button to learn more about this workshop
Click the button below to register for either the in-person or online version of this workshop
New Workbook!!

Whether you want your congregation to work toward something new, or just participate in a good old annual meeting --- communication is key. We think we are doing all we can, after all, we use our bulletins, newsletters and even make announcements. Why do people still complain that they didn't know anything about it? Find out why and learn how to over come this obstacle.
Click the button below to learn more about this resource.

Has this ever happened to you? You know you heard about something interesting, you think it was from Living the Resurrection, but you just aren't sure and you have no idea how to figure it out? Well, we are here to help. You can now access all issues of our newsletter in one place!
Click the button below to find them!