Do you know the folks who live and work near your church? If not, this workshop will help.

Registration is open--NOW!
In this two part workshop you’ll learn four evangelism tools that do NOT involve
knocking on doors,
talking to strangers or
holding up “John 3:16” signs.
Instead, you will
learn what the people who live and work near your church building care about, and
begin to see possibilities for partnerships.
Part 1 is offered on October 22, Part 2 will be October 29. Register on our home page by clicking the button below.
This workshop is offered at NO COST through our partnership with California Lutheran Homes.
Thank you to everyone who read this blog (see below) and took the poll! I hope you like the title of the new workshop: Neighbors Together. I know most of you will, because you picked it!:)

Sometimes the honest truth comes out at the oddest times. In this blog we hear the truth about what a few leaders think about their neighbors. It shocked them into doing something new. Click the button below to read the blog. If this sounds like something that could happen at your church, you might want to sign up for the Neighbors Together workshop :)
This month's free resource is Becoming a Community Church, and Bias and Defense Mechanisms: Theory and Practice.
Looking for a Leadership Development Resource? Want to help your leaders communicate better with the congregation?

“The single biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has taken place.”
George Bernard Shaw said that a long time ago, and it’s still true. Whether you want your congregation to work toward something new, or just participate in a good old annual meeting --- communication is key.
We often think we are doing all we can, after all, we use our bulletins, newsletters and even make announcements. Why do people still complain that they didn't know anything about it? Find out why and learn how to over come this obstacle.
Click the button below to learn more about this resource.
22 Synods and Counting! Want to join them?

Do you want to help your congregation(s) make the best possible choice when they need a new pastor? This resource is helping call committees around the ELCA listen to their congregation and write honest and compelling MSPs.
Read more about it by clicking the button below.