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If this is your first newsletter, here's what you can expect from each issue 1) a brief new article, which is sometimes an extension of the blog of the month, and 2) updates on new workshops and workbooks.
This month much of the content looks like its about Pastor Marj's move, but its really about how people move through a change. Read the last three blogs and tell me if you agree:). The blogs aren't always about Pr Marj, we promise.
If you like what you read here, be sure to invite your friends, colleagues and congregation members to subscribe.
How the change is going.

In the middle of a change, things look and feel chaotic. Nothing is where it's supposed to go, mostly because we don't know where "supposed to" is --yet. It's the tripping over boxes phase, looking for the familiar in an unfamiliar setting. We live through it hoping it's a short and that we'll soon be on the other side of the transition. However, surprise delays are everywhere, and, ironically, that is to be expected.
We want changes to go smoothly with little or no resistance, but we get, bumpy and chaotic. That doesn't mean we should never have left our comfort zone, it means, we're making something new and creation is beautiful, messy, and chaotic. This is how change works, whether it's a couple moving from one town to another, or a congregation changing their future. If you want to read more, check out the last three blogs, and their linked free resources.
Ready or Not: It's Time!
Somethings are timely because they have a deadline. The sermon is due Sunday morning, ready or not-it’s time! For me, the moving van came last Saturday. Ready or not my time as a resident of San Luis Obispo was up. Was I ready to leave these people, this place? Is your congregation ready to move into the future? Turns out, how we leave the present and move into the future isn’t vastly different for a person or a congregation
To read more click the button below.
This month's free resource is called "Thank you! Yes!" It's a ritual written for the context of leaving home. But "home" can be a house, or a church. The family can be most any combination of people, including a congregation. Adapt it to suit your context.
If you missed part 1 or 2 of this story, you can catch up here.
Looking for a Leadership Development Resource? Want to help your leaders communicate better with the congregation?

Whether you want your congregation to work toward something new, or just participate in a good old annual meeting --- communication is key. We often think we are doing all we can, after all, we use our bulletins, newsletters and even make announcements. Why do people still complain that they didn't know anything about it? Find out why and learn how to over come this obstacle.
Click the button below to learn more about this resource.
22 Synods and Counting! Want to join them?

Do you want to help your congregation(s) make the best possible choice when they need a new pastor? This resource is helping call committees around the ELCA listen to their congregation and write honest and compelling MSPs.
Read more about it by clicking the button below.

Can't remember where you saw it, but there was something about a topic or keyword that your want to find again? Search for it in the search bar on the top right of any page of our website! The magical search wizard will scan blogs, newsletters, free resources and workbook/workshop pages to find it for you!